Wednesday, December 04, 2013
Change in mood

2 days ago, my colleague commented that I seem happier. I think this is a good thing, it means I am slowly letting go of things. Not dwell on the unhappiness and make myself emo and sick.

For now, I will just treat them neutrally, acquaintances and nothing more. I cannot stand people playing victim and being a fake bitch. Don't act friendly infront of me but bitch in social media. Childish and grow up please. The world don't revolve around you either honey~

Anyway, feel inspired to do a empties blogspot every month or 2. It's a great way to know the products I am using up and how I feel about them.

I have done my christmas wishlist but prolly will be up in the next post. Christmas is my favourite month and it is the time i spend with my good friends and family

May all my christmas always be merry and awesome.


Hydefied @ 17:33